Saturday, March 24, 2007

Time will do the talking, years will do the walking

points of interest today:

1) I went to call in a refill on one of my meds, and to my horror, discovered that I had no refills left. Did I mention that I took my last dose last night? If you're doing the math, doctors don't emerge into existence until Monday. That means 2 days without it...not sure what that will do. We'll see. I'm trying not to worry about it. If anything, I will feel a little stoned. Party.

2) Cleaning today. On a mission. I'm going to be clean, dadgummit. I don't care what it takes. I think I just need a better system. And I think I need to care - there's that.

3) Does everyone have a change jar, and does everyone constantly find pennies all over their room as if they are taking over your domain like small, alien beings planted by some evil lord?

4) I have solved my med-induced problem of not being able to get out of bed in the mornings. I put both of my alarms across the room, so that I have to get out of bed to kill them. And it's working. I still feel like a drunk zombie when I wake up, but at least I'm moving. I'll take victory in small feats where I can get it.

5) I have not put the worship service together for tomorrow night yet. Hopefully in the morning I will come up with some inspired, knee-busting experience. (Note sarcasm)

(this was written while listening to Patty Griffin's "Living With Ghosts," which always melts my face off.)


Unknown said...

I'm so glad you found your way to the Preacher Party.
Is there no way in the world to get your refill? Doesn't your doc have an answering service for emergencies?

Sue said...

Welcome to the RevGals!!

I wondered about checking in with the Emergency department. Sometimes they can help by giving you enough meds to get through the weekend.